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Ten Things You’ll Never See a Confident Person Do

Henry Ford is credited with saying, “If you think you…

How To Interview For A CFO Position

One of the most important qualities of strong financial leaders…

Developers: How Will the Lightning Component Bridge the Client and Server?

The Salesforce Lightning Component is a user interface framework that…

What You Need to Know about Salesforce Einstein

If you were to ask ten people to describe artificial…

Growth Is A Team Sport: Put Salesforce Wave Analytics On Your Roster

There is not one industry that hasn’t felt the transformative impact of big data over the last decade. The ability to leverage information from multiple sources has helped improve everything…

Why Millennials Will Boost Their Careers With Mainframe Skills

Roughly 10,000 baby boomers retire every day, according to a report from the Social Security Administration, and they’re taking valuable mainframe skills with them. The vast majority of companies have…

Five Jobs Robots Have Their Sights On

New advances in technology are made every day, and one major one might have a huge impact on your workforce in the not-so-distant future. In February, Shelly Palmer, CEO at…

Sales Forecasting Methods You Should Know

Accurate sales forecasting is critical for organizational success. Company leaders rely on sales forecasts to help them plan for the future and incorrect predictions can wreak havoc on a business’s…

Sales Management: Should You Promote or Recruit?

Organizational leaders face a classic dilemma when they find themselves in need of a new sales manager: Do they promote a rock-star rep or do they recruit someone from outside…

Struggling Sales Rep? How to Coach Yourself to Success

Finding success in sales isn’t easy. Convincing clients to purchase your company’s products and services takes a very special finesse. If you’re new to the game or have recently hit…