Optimize Your SEO Habits

At the start of a new year, it’s a great time to revisit your SEO habits. Not just the technical strategies you use – it’s a great time to revamp some overall SEO practices, habits and attitudes. SEO is really about context, so this year, it pays to optimize your approach to SEO.

“It’s important to log into your Google Analytics account with a specific question in mind and then find the answer. You shouldn’t go in exploring without a goal because you will end up spending a lot of time browsing around and coming out without answers.” Says Marybel DiScala, Marketing Project Manager, Contemporary Staffing Solutions.

Research Like A Person

When conducting competitor and keyword research, it’s easy to fall into a robotic routine, using the same tools and processes over and over again. However, SEO is no longer about mining for a few long-tail keywords, it’s about creating context and thinking like a human. Creating that context starts with spending more time in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPS), understanding your audience in great detail and being as comfortable with the big picture as you are with granular details.

Spend More Time Measuring

Most SEO pros spend a lot of time measuring, but those same pros probably spend a little time each month running reports and wish they could spend more time in Google Analytics and other tools digging deeper into measurements. This year, allot and dedicate more time to analytics and measurement to really dive into the numbers and discover deep insights, adjust models, and develop new strategies.

Devote Time To Learning

SEO professionals subscribe to blogs, listen to podcasts and participate in forums when they can, but most would probably say they research questions as they arise and they are lucky if they can devote much time to reading and researching simply to learn. You can bring information to you by following SEO influencers on social media and subscribe to article feeds delivered by email. Spend a little time each day browsing those articles and expanding your knowledge.

Integrate With Other Channels

SEO doesn’t operate in a bubble. So many things influence rankings that are outside of a marketer’s control. Rather than isolating SEO from other marketing channels and initiatives, work together with the rest of the marketing team to support their efforts and vice versa. Many things that other marketers do can help build links, create context, improve brand awareness, etc. By working together rather than separately, everyone’s efforts will be enhanced.

If your organization is looking to attract the best and brightest marketers, or if you are an SEO or marketing expert looking for a great new job, contact the sales and marketing recruiting experts at CSS ProSeach today.