How to Ace Each Stage of the Interview Process

You’re in the process of looking for a new job and are in or are about to enter the interview process of applying, interviewing, etc. The interview process has several unique stages that require different approaches of the job seeker. To help you out, we’ve prepared some tips to help you tackle each stage of the interview so you can snag that new job and ditch your old one.

The Follow Up Email to an Application

Haven’t heard back from the company you applied to? Time to send a follow up email!

Even though Recruiters and Hiring Managers are eager to find great candidates for their jobs, they can get busy. Whether you submitted your application and resume to their website, a job board, or via email, there’s a good chance that Recruiters/Hiring Managers simply haven’t gotten to your application yet because they have so many other applications or emails to sift through.

After a week has gone by, if you have the email address of the Recruiter or HR Department, send them a little nudge. In the subject of your email, specifically mention the position you applied to. In the body, state that you applied to X position, express that you’re still interested in the job, briefly say why you’re qualified, and thank them for their time.

Note: Connect with the recruiter and the hiring managers on LinkedIn – make sure your profile reflects your accomplishments and demonstrates a good match for the role!

Thank You Email to the interview(s)

You had the interview (or maybe you’ve had multiple interviews!) The day of your interview, once you’re back at home, send a thank you email.

You want to show the Hiring Manager/Interviewer that you are grateful that they selected you to interview and that you are qualified for the role. Personalize your email to the time you spent with them. Be sure to touch on any areas of concern they expressed and spell out why this shouldn’t be a concern. Send a brief sentiment to all involved in the interview process, but make sure each note is customized to the person. Not all candidates do this, and this quick email can get you a leg up on the competition! (Find more tips here!)

“Very few individuals (in the contractor processor) follow up with “thank-you letters” to the interviewers. I encourage employees to create even a short thank you note to send over for a few reasons. Obviously it is common courtesy, but it also is one last chance to really leave a positive impression on the hiring manager. It shows that you are genuinely interested in the position. It also gives the employee a chance to make a personalized connection with the hiring manager and emphasize their related experience and why they would be a good fit for the opportunity. At the very least, if you take the time to follow up with an interviewer I have noticed that more times than not the interviewer will provide specific feedback for the candidate if they are passed on to help them with interviewing in the future instead of just leaving the candidate hanging. Says Alyssa Reinhard, Recruiting Branch Manager, CSS.

Accepting and Offer and Negotiating Your Compensation

You have an offer—or you may have multiple offers! This is traditionally communicated verbally, where questions are asked and answered. It can be very exciting, and you want to maintain your passion here. At the end of the day, you need to take great notes, listen, and clarify! Once completed, make sure there is a written offer extended to you that you will officially accept. Writing a thank you note with enthusiasm is very important and summarizing everything you agreed too!

Resignation Letter after You Accept Your Offer for a New Role

You’re leaving your position, what do you do? Draft a resignation letter.

You want to leave in good conscious without burning bridges (at the very least you’ll need references in the future), so make sure to be courteous in your writing. As opposed to the previous two bullets, it’s best if this done on good old-fashioned paper and not through the various tubes and channels of the internet (you can still type it, just print it out). In your letter, address who you’ll be giving this to, which id likely your boss or HR person. Then, simply explain that you are leaving, ideally in a reasonable window of time, like 2 weeks. You don’t have to explain why you’re leaving but you can include this if you’d like to. Wrap it up by thanking your employer for the opportunity to work at the company and share some things that you learned/skills you gained in the position.

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Read more helpful & inspiring tips here.

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