Artificial intelligence is starting to make its way into the recruiting and hiring process, changing the way talent is sourced. AI and machine learning are now able to analyze vast amounts of data and make predictions and decisions based on huge data sets. Here are some of the ways AI is impacting the way recruiters are doing their jobs.
“We are amazed at how disruptive artificial intelligence is to our industry! The staffing industry is here to stay and this is supported by double digit growth in our market cap over the last 20 years – 1995 the market cap was $58 billion; 2005 the market cap was $133B and today the market cap is $464B” says Sharon Tsao, CMO, Contemporary Staffing Solutions.
Faster Hiring Process
The truth is, there isn’t a cookie-cutter approach to successful hiring. Strategies that work for one role don’t necessarily translate to another role, even within the same organization. AI allows recruiters to take data from past placements including number of candidates, time-to-fill, market data and data about the employer, and generates a list of factors that will influence a successful search. And it does all that in a matter of seconds. This process allows recruiters to set expectations for clients and ensures stronger resource allocation throughout a search.
Predicting Success
AI can also help predict the long-term success of a strong candidate for a role. Think of it a bit like the analytics strategies deployed in “Moneyball.” AI analyzes critical success factors for a candidate and predicts their future success. Now, it is important to keep in mind that success with one organization doesn’t always translate to success with a new organization. The key is to factor in the variables that can impact performance and include those in any calculation.
“As a recruiter you need to have a strong pipeline of talent that is basically unavailable in the market place because they are passive and only confidently interviewing with future clients because they trust their recruiter they are working with – Contemporary Staffing Solutions begins with trust when we build strong relationships!” says Alyssa Reinhard, Sr. Recruiter, Contemporary Staffing Solutions.
Reducing Loss of Strong Candidates
One of the biggest drawbacks of traditional ATS software is the fact that that it relies on keyword matches to score resumes. If a candidate doesn’t word a skill just right, they can be eliminated from the pool. The same is true when conducting online searches for passive talent. If you don’t word your strings just so, exceptional talent can be missed. AI allows for more intuitive searching and scoring practices, so strong candidates don’t fall through the cracks.
Digging Deeper Into Resumes
It’s not just keywords that can cost you great hires, it’s the inability to determine which candidates have the right soft skills to succeed. AI can help recruiters dig deeper into resumes, flagging people who have leadership skills, incredible soft skills, or experiences that might make up for the lack of one or two defined requirements. This can help you spot “diamonds in the rough” who would otherwise never make it into your pool of finalists.
Are You Ready To Leverage AI For Recruiting and Hiring Success?
At Contemporary Staffing Solutions, our recruiters leverage technology to ensure that when we send candidates your way, you know they have the hard skills, soft skills and the personality to excel in your work environment. If you are seeking great talent and you’re looking for new ways to improve your recruiting process, contact the recruiting experts at CSS today.
Read More helpful & inspiring tips here.
Contemporary Staffing connects job seekers to hiring managers nationally in the following professions: Accounting & Finance, Call Center & Office, Human Resources, IT, Salesforce, and Sales & Marketing.