Should Employees Be Able to Review Their Bosses?

At least once per year your company subjects its employees to a performance review. And while managers are reviewed by their bosses, nobody ever really asks employees how they feel about their direct supervisor. Considering a bad boss is the number one reason why employees quit their jobs, should they be able to review their bosses?

“At Contemporary Staffing, we utilize 360 degree feedback on their performance at our company.  This methodology allows each employee to express recommendations for improvements that ultimately help the company grow! CSS values the leadership teams in all of our business units!” says Sharon Tsao, CMO, Contemporary Staffing Solutions.

The Trouble With Asking For Feedback

Many performance reviews include time for employees to provide feedback to their bosses. This sounds well and good, but how many people actually provide honest feedback in a one-on-one setting? People hoping for a raise aren’t likely to tell their boss that they micromanage or that they aren’t providing enough support for the team.

Asking for feedback is a nice gesture, but you are far more likely to get honest opinions if you provide a way for employees to give anonymous reviews.  This can be achieved using online surveys or paper surveys that are reviewed only by HR, so that a manager can’t match an employee to their handwriting.  Yes, anonymous feedback can lead to a host of complaining, but you can also pull out useful information, especially if you see patterns developing.

Pay Attention To Patterns

If you do find patterns in reviews, they are worth paying attention to. If you see the same complaints over and over again, it might be worthwhile to track that manager’s history of employee turnover. There is likely some truth to those responses, and leaders can react appropriately through coaching and performance management.

It’s equally important to be on the lookout for positive patterns. Managers and supervisors who receive the same type of positive reviews should be encouraged to continue what they are doing and they may be identified as having the potential to move even farther up the ladder.

Always Protect Employees

Employees can be wary of anonymous surveys because they may feel that their boss will somehow find out or retaliate against the whole group if the reviews are less than stellar.  If you truly want to gather honest feedback about your managers, HR must be able to guarantee to employees that they won’t experience blowback.  This may require HR to check in with staff after the review process is over or to help leaders develop plans to deal appropriately with managers who retaliate.

Employees Want Their Opinions To Matter

Allowing employees to review their bosses can not only provide you with valuable and actionable feedback, but it also tells the team that the company values their opinions. Employees who don’t feel like they are being heard – especially employees who feel “stuck” with a bad boss – have lower job satisfaction levels, are less productive and are at risk for turnover. Soliciting their input says that their voices are welcomed, and heard.

If you are looking for talented professionals for your human resources department who can help you build effective programs and strategies like these, contact the professional recruiters at Contemporary Staffing Solutions today.

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