Three Simple Steps to Effectively Onboarding IT Talent

Once you’ve found a skilled information technology employee, you may feel like you’ve reached the end of the hiring process. But there’s one more step you can take to protect the time and energy you’ve put into your IT new worker: onboarding. Onboarding is about incorporating a new person into your office as efficiently as possible. It helps workers understand their new role and what duties that role entails. This is good for your employees because they start work on the right foot, and it’s good for your company because it increases your overall efficiency. Here are three things to include in your onboarding process:

Welcome them.

Prepare for your employee’s arrival by getting his or her workstation ready. Stock it with office supplies and, if possible, business cards. Prepare digitally as well, by setting up an employee e-mail and arranging for access to the company network. This way your employee is ready for a smooth transition into your workflow. Once your employee arrives, plan to greet him or her at the door so that you can offer a tour of the office, including introductions to coworkers.

Orient them.

Hiring generally takes a great deal of paperwork, and it’s best to get it all out of the way at once. Create a packet of company information on things like dress code, late policies, and the schedule of employee reviews and go over it with your new employee, giving him or her ample time to ask questions. Then arrange for someone from HR to help finish things like tax forms and benefit selections.

Explain their duties.

Present your new employee with a written list of his or her duties and make sure to review it with him or her. Explain the metrics that you’ll be using to evaluate them in their position. Because IT positions tend to evolve the longer an employee is on the job, it’s possible that duties may look different in a month or a year. Try to draft a new written set of duties whenever possible so that your employee always has clear objectives.

Each position and company will have nuances, but by following these three basic best practices, your onboarding will run smoothly. However, if you are looking for a more hands-off solution to your recruiting and hiring process, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Working with one of our technical staffing specialists at Contemporary Staffing Solutions could be the answer to your problems. Get in touch with us today so that we can start taking care of your staffing needs. We look forward to hearing from you!