Three Benefits of Using IT Contractors

If you have an urgent staffing need in your information technology department, or want an employee for a specific, short-term project, or if you’re looking for a worker with a highly specialized skill set, your needs may be best served by hiring an IT contractor. Although traditional hiring may seem safer, there are many benefits to using a contract worker. Here are three:

1. Save money.

When you hire contract workers, you aren’t responsible for their payroll taxes or their benefits, which can save you money, even when dealing with IT workers who can make larger salaries because of their technical skills. Contemporary Staffing offers a great benefits package to our temporary workers including discounted major medical, 401(k) options, and a number of bonuses that our employees are eligible to earn. We also take care of payroll, further reducing the burden on your organization.

2. Scalable staffing.

Your information technology department most likely works on a project-by-project basis. How do you handle your staffing levels when your workplace is set up like this? Permanent employees aren’t the solution, because once a project is finished, it can be difficult to lay off the workers you no longer need. Not only is it stressful to lay someone off, but it can possibly leave you open to legal concerns. Hiring contract workers for a project is perfect because there’s an expectation on both sides that this is a temporary arrangement.

3. Expert help.

Working with a staffing firm is one of the best ways to find great contract workers, and 2014 marks 20 years of Contemporary Staffing Solutions providing recruiting and hiring services. Because we have a pool of prescreened candidates, 82% of our searches are filled within 48 hours, so we almost always have a new employee ready when you need one. Our services don’t stop once your new employee has arrived, either. We stay in communication with you and with your contract worker to make sure we’ve found someone who fits your company culture and who is fulfilling the job requirements. If you want help finding top IT talent to work for you, get in touch with us today.