CSS Celebrates Throwback Thursday!

Throwback Thursday image

Contemporary Staffing Solutions celebrates
Throwback Thursday!

Once a month we will feature a “first job” from one of our employees, clients, or contractors, posing questions often asked in job interviews. They will share many things like what they learned from their first job, how they feel it’s applicable to their job today, and something they learned from their first job they wish they knew then.

Christa H., a CSS Senior Staffing Specialist, shares her first job:

Where was your first job & what was  your title there?

“Lone Wolf Farm Stand – Greenhouse Extraordinaire”

What were your daily responsibilities?

“I re-potted plants from small pots to larger pots. I also helped out at the stand when needed.”

What was a “stand out” moment that was fun/interesting/memorable”?

“I rode in a truck out into the middle of the field to get to the green house, where I sat for four hours alone. I had nothing/no one else around but an old radio, which only had signal for one station – sports radio! At the time I thought it was so much fun to be getting paid to get dirty, but thinking about it now, I’m glad I get to work in the AC!”

What did you learn from this job that you apply to your current job?

“I approached my mom about getting this job when I was 14 years old. None of my other friends had jobs yet and I was really excited about earning a paycheck. This job taught me that no matter what you’re doing, how old you are, where you’re working… you should take pride in your work! I was so excited to be dropped off at that farm every Sunday and I still love coming to work each day!!”

What do you know now, that you wish you knew then?

“I wish I had paid more attention to the farming techniques/tricks of the trade so I could use them in my own yard! My thumb isn’t so green these days!!”

What is your current job/title?

Christa is currently a Senior Staffing Specialist with Contemporary Staffing Solutions in our Corporate Headquarters in Mt. Laurel, NJ.

Thank you Christa for all your great responses to Contemporary Staffing Solutions “Throwback Thursday!”

CSS Wants to know:
What did you learn from your first job?

 If you would like the opportunity to be featured in our
“Throwback Thursday” blog posting in future months,
email your responses (with the above questions) to Marketing.