Six Things To Do Before Returning To The Workforce

Returning to the workforce after a hiatus can be stressful. With the right strategy in place, however, you can reduce anxiety and increase your chances of success. Here are six things you should before you jump back into a job search.


One: State A Clear Goal

If you don’t have an end result in mind, you will struggle in your search. Before you begin sending out resumes, sit down and examine exactly what it is you want from your career. Once you determine your goal, write it down and use it to guide you.


Two: Evaluate Your Skills, New and Old

You may be worried about the “freshness” of your skills as you re-enter the workforce, but what did you do in your off time? You likely developed a variety of skills. If, for example, you took care of an ailing parent while also raising children, you are likely a master of organization and scheduling. Think about the skills you’ve gained in your time off and the ways in which they enhance your professional skills and marketability. This will help you brand yourself to potential employers.


Three: Fill The Gaps

As you identify your skills, you’ll likely discover some gaps. Think about the skills you need to build or improve upon and make a plan to close those gaps. It might mean taking a class or investing in technologies, but the investment will be worth it in the end.


Four: Work Your Network

In a job search, your network is critical. You will need to rely on the help of others to find open positions, offer advice, or even provide references. Get on LinkedIn and reconnect with old colleagues and don’t be afraid to work your personal network, either. You never know when a parent from your child’s scout troop or someone from your softball league might be helpful. As you work your network remember that these relationships are two-way streets. Be helpful to others and they will be helpful to you.


Five: Get Involved With The Community

Every profession has a robust community around it. Join professional groups, attend conferences and seminars, participate in forums online, and subscribe to industry blogs and publications.  This will help you stay on top of trends and hot topics in your field while providing new opportunities to network both online and in person.


Six: Work With A Professional

Re-entering the workforce is challenging and stressful. Doing it by yourself can be isolating and deflating at times. The good news? You don’t have to do it alone. The recruiters at Contemporary Staffing Solutions can help you polish your resume, improve your interviewing skills and connect you with the right opportunity to get your career going. If you are ready to return to the workforce, contact the professionals at CSS today.