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Skills Testing: How to See If a Candidate is the Right Fit

Identifying a perfect candidate is always a difficult task. On…

Grow Your Network: Professional Financial Associations Roundup

If you’re looking to develop your professional connections within the…

Bridging the Computer Science Gender Gap

Over the course of the past 40 years, computer science…

Resume Writing 101

Perhaps the best kept secret about resume writing is that…

Motivation in the Workplace

What does it take to develop a talented team of devoted employees? It takes incentive; a reason to do a job well. We’re not just talking about competitive compensation, we’re…

Speaking the Language

We live in an increasingly diverse and commingled world, where the borders between countries are less and less an obstacle  in business. As a part of that growingly inclusive trend,…

Pitch Perfect – Use the Elevator Pitch to Effectively Engage

“Pitch Perfect” is more than just a popular musical movie – it should also be your sales team’s mantra. Your representatives should be aiming to execute their sales pitch perfectly…

The Power of the Post Interview Letter

When large companies interview for positions, they may screen hundreds of candidates before they settle on a new hire. So how can you stand out from the crowd? How can…

A Strength-Based Approach to Hiring

Being able to fulfill the duties of a job is one thing. Being able to thrive in a position is another. This is what strength-based hiring practices aim for; candidates…

Certifiably Good: A Look at Professional Certs – Part Two

As we previously covered, there are a wide range of professional certification areas that accountants and finance experts can earn to make them more skilled and capable of performing in…